Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Alternatives Before Buying

If you are the type of person who fell in love with the first person you met, buys the first car you see, orders the first item on the menu in a restaurant and purchases the first pair of pants you try on, then you will likely be in for a rude awakening if you become involved in renovating your home.

The variety of different goods for even the simplest renovation objective are almost limitless. Each item brings a different combination of features and every contractor / installer brings a different combination of experience and abilities.

Take awnings as an example. We were talking just the other day that once the spring comes (our first in this house) we should have awning placed on the outside of our family room windows. You see, the back of our house (where the family room is located) faces due south, which means of course that it gets direct sun light all of the time that the sun is not hidden by clouds.

In the summer this ads a tremendous amount of heat into the family room, thus adding to our air conditioning bill. And, all year round, direct sun dims the visibility of the television as well as can be damaging to the hardwood floor in the room, possibly even with the see through window shades we have installed.

So, not knowing anything at all about awnings a quick check of the Internet was an eye opener. There are many different companies just in our area who manufacture or who sell and install awnings, each with their own different features, it's almost too much to take in at once. And, each web site seems to be better than the next, offering a unique feature that we did not see on the other web sites of awning distributors.

Yes, we have fallen into the trap ourselves on this renovation of taking the first vendor who came along. We won't be doing that again and encourage you do to likewise. Major renovations are not cheap. Competition is a wonderful thing. Make sure you do your research on any aspect of home renovation. This goes for something simple like a door handle (how do you know which style you really want if you don't know what styles are actually available?) to something more complex like a kitchen remodeling, or the installation of solar heating or solar-electric panels.

Yes, it will take more of your time to do research on the alternatives. But you know what? Once you have made your selection, you will appreciate it even more as you will continually compare it to the other alternatives you discarded. And, because you did your research, you will likely end up with a less costly product of greater quality with the features that are important to you.

For more about our home renovation experiences, including energy conservation related renovations, please visit our blog, Daily Home Renovation Tips at the resource link below.


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