Problem:Conveyor beltsreceive extreme wear from the impacting of large size aggregate. Mechanical clips can be used to temporarily repair torn or worn areas of the belt. Other options include vulcanizing or replacement. Both areexpensive and involve lengthy unscheduled shutdowns costing thousands of dollars per hour. In many cases, belts might not be accessible to repair equipment.
Solution:The damaged area, including the belt and mechanical clips were roughened using a grinding machine and wire wheel attachment. Surfaces were then chemically cleaned usinga degreasing solvent. Mechanical clips were then primed usinga urethane priming agent for metal. A coat ofurethane rubber primer was applied over the rubber section and allowed to cure for 15 minutes.Next, a urethane is mixed and applied over the complete repair area replacing the worn or missing rubber.The urethane is smoothed over with a putty knife and allowed to cure for 4 hours.
Urethanes are 100% solids and bond well to rubber and metal. Urethanes are very resistant to abrasion and in many cases will outwear the rubber belt material. Holes that do not damage the overall integrity of the belt can also be repaired by applying mesh material and coating the area with urethane. Urethanes are available in a wide variety of duromters and curing times. Urethanes can also protect equipment where there is sliding abrasion, vibration, expansion, or contraction.
Users should be make sure they have all materials on hand to make repairs before beginning the repair.Several "belt repair kits' are available commercially that contain all necessary materials for making long lasting, in-field repairs.
Larry Bly is the founder of and has over twenty years experience in repair and maintenance repair materials.
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