Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Benefits of Physical Activity

The benefits of physical activity can help improve the way you look, feel and work.

The first benefit of physical activity makes you Look Better:

It tones up your muscles. It burns calories to help lose those extra pounds or maintain your desired weight. It helps control your appetite so you eat less.

The second benefit makes you Feel Better:

It gives you more energy throughout the day. It helps improves your self image and you feel better about yourself. It increases your resistance to fatigue so you dont get tired as easily. It helps you relax and feel less tense. It helps you cope with stress better. It improves your ability to fall asleep quickly and sleep well.

The third benefit makes you Work Better:

It helps you to be more productive at work. It builds stamina for other physical activities. It increases muscle strength. It helps your heart and lungs work more efficiently.

The secret to becoming more physically active throughout the day is just be aware of any opportunity to get up and move around. A few examples to help you become more active are:

Use the stairs up and down, instead of taking the elevator when possible. Park a few blocks away from stores or work and walk the rest of the way. Take an activity break; get up and stretch, walk around and give your mind and muscles a chance to relax. Instead of eating the extra snack, take a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Mow your own lawn. Go dancing instead of seeing a movie. Take a walk after dinner instead of watching TV.

The key to success is choosing physical activities that you enjoy and you do have many choices. Even moderate levels of exercise have important health benefits.

If you have a family, encourage them to join you and make it a fun thing to do together. Building healthy habits when children are young will make them more likely to be active, healthy adults.

Whatever your age, the benefits of physical activity and regular exercise can become a good health habit with many lifelong benefits.

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